
Monday, October 8, 2012

The Studio floor is almost visible and City Scape's II is almost done.

I keep thinking the studio floor will become visible again, but perhaps it will always be a work in progress just like so many quilt projects are. I did finish another City Scape's top and I may even know how I want to quilt them now. Both of the City Scape's are made using the scraps of star quilt strip ends, then adding yellows and oranges for the lights. The sky is scraps as well.  I love thinking of new ways to use scraps to do projects out of the ordinary for me. 

City Scape's II almost done.

City Scape's I and City Scape's II tops complete.

The studio floor is visible more then less. 


  1. Beautiful quilt top, it really does look like a lively cityscape!

  2. Thank you for the lovely comment MC!

  3. Karoda yes I am and I wis you were near by to be having fun with me!
