
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New little table runner pieces and the never ending studio floor mess.

Really I love my studio floor it is my pallet, always full of ideas, colors and fabric. I don't think I would know how to use a design board. Of course I have 4 of them, all full of stuff, stuff to think about until later, maybe even 5 years later or with nothing at all, they work well for that. But the floor is such a lovely place to lay things flat, look at from several angles and not even the dog walks on the fabric, just around it. I meant to do holiday table runners and this is what got done instead.

Just a little table center piece or one could hang it on the wall. 

Maybe this could come close to being a holiday table center piece out of flannel.

All those projects just waiting!

WIP for a customer who wants her butterflies in a wreath.
For sure a holiday kind of piece.

I experimented with decorative stitches in dark thread. 

Quilted table runner, not for any holiday coming up soon.

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